Andy Albright's Move: Principles For Getting The Best Results

EP09: How To Leave A Legacy



I’m quite sure that every star faces opposition. People say you can’t do it. They probably even questioned themselves at some point. It is hard to block out the critics and not letting it hinder you as an artist. Hey, with all the social media these days it is even tougher not to get bogged down by naysayers. It can lead to bad motion and keep you distracting from doing what you know you have to do. Even when you make it, you have to remember how you made it and keep doing it over and over. I made it a point to watch these young artists and how they carried themselves. Most of them are fighting just to pay their bills each month. Many of them have been told they can’t make it by people that are family and friends. Some quit and get “real jobs.” Then, there are the ones that keep working and don’t listen to the outside negative noise. I noticed the drive and dreams they have and I see how hard they are pushing to make it happen. They are all in. They are fully committed. They want to leave a lasting legacy. Hu