Living Villa Cappelli

022: How to tell if your extra virgin olive oil is really extra virgin



After a short catch up on life at the villa, including a couple of culinary tours and our harvest of peppers, you'll learn about our PLUS method (Price. Label. Understanding. Source) which you can use to help ensure the extra virgin olive oil you are buying is truly extra virgin olive oil. Topics we cover: Why you should always back up your hard drive with an external drive like this one or a cloud based system Our two culinary tours and one bike tour we just had The first culinary tour with chefs Michael Howell and Michael Blackie Canada's premiere food film festival Devour! Michael Blackie's restaurant Next The fun with have with HETravel tours at Villa Cappelli Some of our favorite restaurants in the area, including Grotta Palazzese and Antichi Sapori Why most Italian restaurants don't like serving kids Why it's hard for Italian restaurants here in Italy, from the number of seatings to alcohol consumption Why you shouldn't order off the menu in an Italian restaurant Paul's long lost cousins from Californi