Living Villa Cappelli

018: Why southern Italy is better than northern Italy



Learn some of the advantages southern Italy has over the northern sections. While most people have visited the northern cities like Rome, Pisa, and Milan, they might not realize what they are missing in the south. Paul and Steven discuss a blog post about this and whether they agree with every point. Topics covered: Paul’s Uncle Guy listening to boxer Nino Binvinito on the radio We discuss why southern Italy is better than northern Italy according to this blog post Why the “economic crisis” of the south is good news for any travelers coming to Puglia Why Paul thinks the “economic crisis” isn’t much of a crisis That the beaches in the south are better than the north It’s hard to find a lot of sandy beaches, but the beaches are spectacular This mind-blowing fact: Even though it is the smaller island, Sardinia's jagged coastline (1849km) is almost twice as long as Sicily's (1000km). Which mainland state in the U.S. Paul thought had the longest coastline, that being Rhode Island. This is actually incorrect, and