Living Villa Cappelli

016: Summer in Italy — beating the heat and our favorite no-cook recipes



Learn how Italians deal with the summer heat, some traditions in Italy during the summer, and some of our favorite no-cook summer recipes. Topics we cover: The problem of finding fans in Italy at the height of summer And how this relates to the Italian mindset when doing business Ferragosto in Italy, where the entire country shuts down and goes on vacation for two weeks Puglia listed as having one of the best beaches The sea culture in Italy and how the sea water and air is thought to be very good for you Why Italians used to bring newborns into the stable to smell urine The different reasons Americans and Europeans come to Italy The theory of how the Serbian War was an economic plan What our neighbors think of our pool “Cliff diving” into our pool Our recipe for a wonderful tomato and tuna dish What we believe is the correct way to make a caprese salad, including putting the basil in the middle, NOT on top Why the caprese is the national Italian dish The correct to serve pasta and sauce, marrying the two fl