Fit & Nourished Mind With Emily Gough And Kate Hoerner

024 - How to Build Your Girl Tribe



We ran a poll in the Fit & Nourished Mind Private Group all about #girltribes and what they looked like for everyone. We decided to chat about the results of the poll and how we think people can nail down the "right" girl tribe. This has been a big topic lately, so we wanted to ask OUR tribe what they thought. These were the options in our poll: I have a strong tribe of badass women and they are my lifeblood My sister(s) IS my bestie and she’s awesome! Just a couple close female friend but we’re like sisters Feel like it’s tough to meet new women and am looking to find/create my tribe Kind of a lone wolf and I like it that way (#introvertsunite) Males seem easier to get along with than women for me We're also sharing a ton of personal stories from childhood bullying to wedding invites, how we have established our own girl tribes that we know always have our backs, and the ONE major factor that is the key to creating these sisterhoods. Tune in to hear more! Find Em at Find Kate