I'm Working On It With Matthew P Brown

From The Vault Series: 96-Matthew P Brown and Pat Quinn



Episode from the Vault Series: The Vault Series is from the original I'm Working On It Podcast. Matthew has since updated the podcast with a new look, new guests and new style. Subscribe to Matthews YouTube, iTunes and Spotify Channel. Links Below! Instagram|MattPBrown https://linktr.ee/matthewpbrown Subscribe YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19UqP026YPvXh15pLC_k2g Subscribe iTunes:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/im-working-on-it-with-matthew-p-brown/id1192871269 www.matthewpbrown.com Matthew talks with comedian Pat Quinn about getting arrested at Disney Land, working hard on your dreams, failing, moving forward and being positive. Instagram|ImPatQuinn www.iampatquinn.com