Awkward Moments With Collin A. Bullock

Episode 125 - HIV Positive Man Evon Russell



Evon Russell is a gay, black man from Pittsburgh.  That put him at a significantly higher risk for HIV, stastically speaking.  And, wouldn't you know it, Evon had the unfortunate luck to contract the human immunodeficiency virus.  As you probably know, HIV is a virus that attacks your white blood cells and just generally fucks up your whole immune system and if left unchecked can eventually lead to full blown AIDS, which is even nastier.  Evon has been living with this diagnosis, and the implications there-in, for many years now and he sat down with Collin to talk all about health, sex, love, travel, race, and so much more!  Check out the website at, like us on Facebook at, and follow us on Twitter at  Collin likes you, and wants to be your friend.