Bar Napkin Business

038: The Buzz about Blockchain and the Midwest Block-a-thon



The newest idea on the street is blockchain technology. While it's not new by any stretch, it's rapidly gaining popularity as the go-to technology to build and develop. In both private spaces and corporate board rooms, people are having conversations about block chain and how it will revolutionize our world. Because of this, people like Edward Weniger and Kyle Tautenhan have started setting up groups to facilitate discussion and idea sharing about this topic. The founders of the Blockchain Development Group, and brains behind the Midwest Block-a-thon, the largest blockchain event in the region, Edward and Kyle talk about what to expect at this event, why blockchain is so intriguing, and how you can get involved.  This episode is guest hosted by Luke Hansen, founder of CompanyCam and a self-professed blockchain/bitcoin enthusiast.  Learn more at