Bar Napkin Business

034: Can an MLM rep be an entrepreneur or vice versa?



Courtney Lockridge started a business in college called Nebraska Wedding Day. She grew that magazine and media platform to a regional leader and later sold the business in order to focus on her family. She says she's still an entrepreneur at heart, but she's shifted her focus to....MLM? Courtney recently decided to become a market partner for Monat, a direct sales company that offers specialty hair products. But does joining an MLM company mean that you're an entrepreneur? Or just a sales person? Is it a pyramid scheme? What's the risk if you can just start selling?  In this interview, we dive into a lively discussion of what she believes are positive and negatives points of coming into a MLM opportunity, and how Facebook and online communities have become a new "norm" for social selling but don't replace the face to face meetings. Learn more about Courtney at