Dynamic Business Women

How to use Facebook groups to grow your own audience & business



As Facebook continues to restrict Pages in the News Feed, more businesses are turning to Facebook Groups to connect. I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that you’re part of a Facebook group… Am I right? I think I probably am, because who isn’t in a Facebook group these days?! They’re fast becoming one of the best ways to build relationships with like-minded people AND our target audience (amazing!!). And people are starting to use them to grow their own audience and business, in fact, I know of quite a few people who have used Facebook groups to propel themselves to expert status and build an email list of thousands. So as this is such a hot topic I was delighted to interview Lucy Good of Beanstalkmums who shares her personal story on how she RAPIDLY grew her own Facebook group to almost 6,000 members in just over 12months   In this podcast you will learn; 6.25 The most important things you need to think about (and preparation tips) before you start your group 9.45 How to maintain a positive energ