Dynamic Business Women

Clairvoyant Katrina Bart Interview



Katrina-Jane spent over 30 years growing up in the Seventh-day Adventist church - when life sent her a curve ball and she realized she was clairvoyant, this went against everything that she had been brought up to believe. Now as an established clairvoyant and an award-winning author, Katrina-Jane has done readings for people all over the world and is passionate about encouraging people to be their best, believe in themselves, helping people understand death and helping them to grieve. Her first book Christion to Clairvoyant is about her journey and she has written two children’s books, Do you See What I See? To help children not be frightened when they have the gift of seeing spirit and Where did they Go? Which explains to children about death and what happens when we die. She is down to earth, never takes herself too seriously and has a wicked sense of humor. Her first book Christion to Clairvoyant is about her journey and she has written two children’s books, Do you See What I See? To help children not be f