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162 - POIR 6



Wearing a stylish pair of dungaree shorts on a sunny Spring-like Saturday afternoon, Charles Adrian reflects, digressively and at length, on some of his reasons for starting the podcast in the first place and indulges in some Vladimir Nabokov.   NB: The two stories discussed from Vladimir Nabokov’s Collected Stories are An Affair Of Honor (translated from Russian by Dmitri Nabokov in collaboration with Vladimir Nabokov) and The Aurelian (translated from Russian by Peter Pertzov in collaboration with Vladimir Nabokov).   Pedants corner: Oxford, being in possession of a cathedral, is, of course, a city rather than a town. You can read more about the city of Oxford on Wikipedia here:   Correction: Much of what Charles Adrian says about Vladimir Nabokov and his family in this episode is not quite right. You can read more (and more accurately, one assumes) about Vladimir Nabokov’s life and ancestry on Wikipedia here:   Books discus