The Inside Winemaking Podcast With Jim Duane

Ep. 123: Frank Renaldi -



Frank Renaldi - This episode features Frank Renaldi who is a winemaker and winemaking instructor. In a joint venture with Musto Wine Grape Company in Hartford, Connecticut Frank has created a comprehensive set of tutorial videos that are geared towards home winemakers, yet contain a high level of technical enology so as to be useful for commercial wineries as well. Our conversation covered Frank’s compulsive winemaking at home, the paths that he took to learn enology, how he geared his video courses to address the early difficulties that winemakers encounter, and the in-person courses he teaches in Hartford. His catalog of videos, some of which are free, are affordable and broken down by topic. My introduction to Frank came from Christina Musto, a previous guest on the podcast. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE - video catalog Musto Wine Grape Company - Hartford, CT - Source for grapes, equipment, supplies, and many winemaking resources Enology