We're Not All Ninjas: The Podcast

Hapa Hour: The Casting of Henry Golding



A few weeks ago, Henry Golding was cast as the lead of Crazy Rich Asians. Women swooned and men....had a different reaction. Especially this guy (http://www.scmp.com/culture/film-tv/article/2083148/hollywood-adaptation-crazy-rich-asians-has-cast-its-chinese-male).  But is casting a hapa as a full-Asian white washing? We brought together a panel of our hapa and full-Asian male friends (Viet Vo, Kevin Shuering, Eddy Lee, and Matt Park calling in) to give us some perspective.  *Melissa totally misspeaks and says that she read somewhere that Nick is meant to be part British in CRA. That's incorrect. She's sorry. :(