Feng Shui & Livsstilspodden

How to create a balanced life



Let´s talk about health and a healthy lifestyle. What is it actually? Is it just the food we eat or what is it? If you would like to know how to start to create a balanced healthy lifestyle this episode is for you. Years ago I started to minimize my home and my belongings and I have learned a lot during this time. When you minimize your belongings you´ll be aware of the things that really mean something for you and I think that’s interesting to know that all the clutter could hold you back for years. What I also learned is that when people starts to get rid of things they don’t need, like or use anymore they often starts to declutter the wardrobe, and that’s my favourite space. As I always have worked with clothes in different kind of ways in my life I wanted to dive into it a little bit more. I created a course: Wardrobe Code 101 which includes:   How to find you personal style How to get rid of the clothes you don’t need, like and use How to organize and take care of your clothes    Wardrobe Code