Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC053 - BS'ing for the title!



Wow, it’s been a busy month, with all that is going on with the Space – and the national opening of Winter Wickedness 2016 and final wrap ups from COPE… it’s been a really busy month!   But we were still able to grab a few moments and let everyone know what is going on with AIS and what kinda wildness we were getting into… on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba!     We talked about all kinda fun things… in this short episode - What did we get to?  Well…   10 years of AIS Kevin $ katie’s Power Exchange Couple Title run Wicked Presenter announcements Why the AIS November Meet N Greet (**  is This Friday – Nov 6th And What’s coming up at CORG this weekend Plus – we talk about Binding and Bondage for the Bigger, Bountiful Body, Did we go to Spanks or Beat Me?  What kinda classes are we presenting there?  Some Random happenings, and all kinds of BSing!  It ends up being a bit shorter than norma