Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC041- BS'ing with enough lube



Well… Winter Wickedness tickets registration opened up... The clocks fell back an hour… Trauma has come and gone… Beyond The Love is this coming weekend… Spanksgiving is a couple weeks away… and there was so much to BS about! Hear all about what’s going on in our world on this month’s episode of the Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba! In this episode, we do get to a question – but not before all kinds of silliness ensues. We talk about all things Anal for a butt… Then chat about SuperTroopers and the “Meow” game; Do VHS videos still exist? Did Video kill the radio star? We talk about the fantastic event that will be Winter Wickedness, other AIS happenings, and what’s next! So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Shebawe talk about what is going on with AIS, where we will be, and what’s happening within the AIS circles! We also chat about these fine subjects - 1. Sheba’s favorite Kink – S&