Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC035 - BSing before the Blitz



It's a little past the first Monday of the May, but we finally got it all out there.  That’s right, it’s time for another episode of BSing with Barak & Sheba!  We had a great time in April – Bsing with Mom, but we just got off the phone with Shock-Jock – Loper from The Blitz – 99.7FM here in Columbus, and will be on the air for an interview and some Rope Fun… Friday May 9th morning, around 8:30am for who knows what kind of hilarity!  Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Sheba we talk about what is going on with AIS, and answer these questions-     1. If a submissive calls their dominant – Sir or Ma’am, what does the D-type call the sub? 2. What is Top Space, and how can we get there?  3. If you squirt… how and where should you do it?  Can you squirt onto the Main Playspace floor?       We also talk about Barak & Sheba’s power exchange – and why Barak gets the small letter; Being on the Radio; what kind of connection allows you to label another person;  The The AIS