I Share Hope: Chris Williams

Emmanuel’s Dream..Ghana's Hope with Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah #isharehope Episode 98



  A man with one leg rides his bicycle and tries to change the world. Emmanuel is an athlete with a humble goal: to help people with disabilities in Africa, and eventually all over the world. He was born in Ghana, with only one good leg. In Africa, people born with a disability are shunned, left for dead or even poisoned. If they live, they are not accepted into schools or society in general. Fortunately, he had a mother who wouldn't bend to the pressure from the community to abandon him because he was a bad omen. Instead, his mother taught him that everyone is a child of God and every person deserves love and a chance to contribute to society. In his youth, he was determined to show his community that he could do what other kids did. He shined shoes to buy a soccer ball and learned to play on crutches. People saw him playing and it began changing their hearts. As he grew up, he started to ride a bicycle. And ride. And ride. He became an athlete and rode across the whole country— showing communities all over