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#282: Creativity in the Kingdom: Worshiping God through our writing  



What does it look like to worship God through our writing? Read: 1 Kings 7:13-22; 40-45 Huram was an “extremely skillful and talented” craftsman from the area of Tyre in Lebanon who was commissioned by King Solomon to help enhance and decorate the temple. After reading about the precision and detail of Huram’s work, we see that he was a man who glorified and worshiped God through his skills. There was thought, purpose, and intentionality in his work. Imagine all the worshipers who would journey to this magnificent temple which stood for over 400 years. Upon entering the temple, they were set in the right frame of mind to worship the Lord as they saw the beauty of Huram's craftsmanship. As Kingdom Writers, we have been given the wonderful privilege of being commissioned by God in our calling to write words that outlive us. Just as Huram was hired and appointed to furnish and magnify the beauty of Solomon’s temple, we as Kingdom Writers are called to glorify and magnify the beauty of Christ. Our writings can he