Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 07.02.2010



​JP Morgan Analyst Raises Apple target to 390-Dollars / Apple 3Q Earnings Call Set for July 20 / First Class Action Suit Over iPhone 4 Antenna Issues Filed Against Apple and A T and T / SAI Calls First iPhone 4 Lawsuit Absurd / Two Other Class-Action Suits Follow the First / AnandTech Says iPhone 4 a Tale of Two Antennae / Macworld Sees Color Oddities in Some Pictures Taken with iPhone 4 / Apple Issues New Profile to Solve Some Exchange ActiveSync Issues with iOS4 / China Unicom Angling for iPhone 4 for 4Q / HP Closes Palm Acquisition with Promise of webOS Slates and More Smartphones / Microsoft Kills Kin Phones 48 Days After Launch / T-Mobile Kills Sidekick Sales Effective July 2 / Amazon to Out Improved Kindle DX at Lower Cost / Apple Begins Book Sales Through Canadian iBookstore / iAds Start Rolling Out to iOS4 Enabled Devices / Disney Buys Tap Tap Revenge Developer Tapulous / BGR Trots Rumors of Cloud-Based iTunes Out Again / Apple Releases Snow Leopard Printer Driver Updates for Epson and HP / Jobs Indic