Mac Os Ken

Mac OS Ken: 06.25.2010



​Indie Analyst Zaky Charts Importance of iPhone to Apple Revenue / Apple Retail Partners in US Get Next to No iPhone 4s / Reports of Discoloration on Some iPhone 4 Retina Displays / Possible Reason for Retina Display Discoloration Proposed / Ars Technica Outlines Antenna Issue with iPhone 4 for Lefties / Jobs Suggests Lefties Use a Case or Hold iPhone 4 Differently / Jobs Addresses Lack of Hold Button on iPhone 4 / Munster Expects Between One Million and One-and-a-Half Million iPhone 4s Sold This Weekend / DigiTimes Report Says iPad and iPhone 4 Constraints Likely to Continue / Letter from Congressional Privacy Caucus Quizzes Apple Over iOS4 Privacy Policy / Apple and A T and T Sued for Elimination of iPad 3G Unlimited Data Plan / Apple Lands in Another Patent Infringement Lawsuit / Google Launches HTML5Rocks Website for Developers