Anesthesiaexam Podcast

High vs. Low Frequency Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation



High vs. Low Frequency Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Effectiveness of Dry Needling with PENS Dr. Rosenblum discusses a recent article in Pain Physician Journal. Also mentioned: ASPN, ASIPP, NYSIPP and the upcoming Joint WAPMU-PainExam Ultrasound Course on May 16 and tips to treat/prevent Cervicalgia related to cervical DDD. Ads By PainExam Ad Network- Ultrasound Training Webinars & Workshop- May 16th, 2021- Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Injections for Emergency Room Doctors- Podcast Resources: Effectiveness of Dry Needling with Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation of High Frequency Versus Low Frequency in Patients with Myofascial Neck Pain Randomized Trial; Jose Vicente Leon Hernandez, PhD, Cesar Calvo-Lobo, PhD, Aitor Martin-Pinado Zugasti, PhD, Josue Fernandez-Carnero, PhD, and Hector Beltran Alacreu, PhD. Ads By PainExam Ad Network- New Updates- ASPN July 2021! ASIPP June 2021! WAPMU PainExam May 16th NY