Anesthesiaexam Podcast

Neuromodulation and Headaches



Neuromodulation and Headaches- Dr. Rosenblum discusses a recent review article on Peripheral Neuromodulation and Headaches. Meet Dr. Rosenblum at Upcoming Conferences (ASPN and ASIPP) or schedule a private Ultrasound Course in NY! Ads By PainExam Ad Network- Upcoming Ultrasound Training Workshop Event- May 16th, 2021- Advanced Ultrasound Guided Regional Injections for Emergency Room Doctors- Resources: Urits I, Schwartz R, Smoots D, Koop L, Veeravelli S, et al. Peripheral Neuromodulation for the Management of Headache, Anesth Pain Med. 2020 ; 10(6):e110515. doi: 10.5812/aapm.110515. Ads By PainExam Ad Network- New Updates- ASIPP and ASPN in June and July! Private Ultrasound Courses in NY PainExam Complete- the most comprehensive review in pain medicine, regenerative pain treatments and ultrasound guidance! WAPMU Collaboration- coming soon! Subscribe to the AnesthesiaExam Newsletter * indicates required Email Address *