Blueprint Process With Tammi Brannan

Coaching Parents To Use The Blueprint Process - Episode 77



Normally, Tammi talks to business professionals who want to attract new clients and she teaches us how studying your Blueprint can help you create more success for your business, but on today's podcast, she focuses on parenting because is her area of expertise and she mentions "Coach Chuck" who works with teens by helping them find their Blueprint. The Blueprint Process host Tammi Brannan has a unique ability to see people's potential and success clues before they do.Throughout these conversations, you'll hear people's BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal - her favorite thing) and you may even identify your BHAG while you listen. Links and Resources from this Episode For show notes, resources and additional information go to Connect with "Coach Chuck:" 214-957-2264 Special Listener Gift Get a FREE 60-minute consultation with Tammi Email Tammi directly Show Notes Parenting a