Blueprint Process With Tammi Brannan

Career Paths and Career Transitions with Spencer Shaw - Episode 41



Tammi talks with Spencer Shaw. He is a close friend and also Podkick’s owner. This company is in charge of the very production of this podcast and its distribution. Today they talk about Spencer's family path and upheaval, and how sometimes NOT knowing yourself can be really confusing when trying to determine your career path. You don’t wanna miss this one! The Blueprint Process host Tammi Brannan has a unique ability to see people's potential and success clues before they do. Through these conversations you’ll hear peoples BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal - her favorite thing) and you may even identify a few of your BHAG’s while you listen.   Links and Resources from this Episode For show notes, resources and additional information go to Connect with Spencer   Special Listener Gift Get a FREE 30 minute consultation with Tammi Email T