Tell Somebody

Dr. Margaret Flowers on Single-Payer Healthcare & KC WMD Mercury Dump



Dr. Margaret Flowers of Physicians for a National Health Plan ( is the featured guest on this edition of Tell Somebody. Dr. Flowers was one of 13 single-payer healthcare advocates arrested in May for demanding that a single-payer healthcare reform advocate be included "at the table" with all the for-profit healthcare campaign donors at U.S. Senate Finance Committee hearings.  Dr. Flowers was able to testify before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee in June, and on August 4th was heard on Tell Somebody.  Right-click on the mp3 file at the bottom of this posting and "save as", or subscribe to Tell Somebody, for free, at the iTunes store to hear what she had to say. Links to Dr. Flowers' testimony and more information, including contacts for local advocacy, here Also this week, the Department of Energy is looking for a national dump site for mercury.  In an inter-governmental agency memo, M