Tell Somebody

Breaking Bread, Local Media Activism, and Russian Revolution Pt. 3



This week on Tell Somebody, Ira Harrit, Program Director of American Friends Service Committee - Kansas City and co-chair of the KC Iraq Task Force talks about a rally on the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City, followed by "Breaking Bread" a dinner benefit with Iraqi refugees and Iraq War veterans on the weekend before the 6th anniversary of the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Then we'll talk with media activist Alice Kitchen and journalist Bruce Rodgers about a petition effort to convince KCPT, Kansas City's PBS affiliate, to stop pre-empting  Now and Bill Moyers Journal every time they have a pledge drive.  This effort resulted in an invitation from the television station for would-be media reformers to man the phone banks during a pledge drive to try to demonstrate that quality public affairs programming really can make the station money.  We'll talk about how that effort fared, and about the state of the media generally. And finally, Eyewitness to the Russian Revolution, February, 1917, Part 3.  H