District Sentinel Radio

Episode 5/10/18: I Think, Therefore I Post



-Net Neutrality Dies Next Month: FCC rule change set to take effect June 11, Aji Pai brags ISPs won’t be regulated like utilities -HHS Secretary claims Canada rationing cancer/AIDS drugs, but it’s the US for-profit system actually killing people -Vote on Dream Act could be forced in House, If seven more Republicans & every Dem back petition -Joe Manchin ruins hopes of blocking Gina Haspel nomination Broadcasted from Washington, DC Music courtesy of Adam Fligsten (adamfligsten.com/) Contribute to our Patreon: www.patreon.com/DistrictSentinel/ www.districtsentinel.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DistrictSentinel/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/TheDCSentinel