Z3 News Podcasts

Warning: Severe Six-Month Wake Up Call Coming Soon



This 99-minute message presents many prophetic confirmations showing a six-month series of events is right in front of us which I believe will forever change the world as we know it due to a major shifting and a global financial collapse. For more messages like this, visit https://z3news.com/w/category/podcasts/. Here are links to economic data and prophetic insights presented: Bloomberg news report on bankruptcies https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-us-bankruptcies-coronavirus Derivatives exposure of major US banks https://www.munknee.com/69995-2 USA statistics on welfare, food stamps and medicaid https://fortunly.com/statistics/welfare-statistics Zerohedge.com report on global bank credit losses https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/sp-forecasts-21-trillion-global-bank-credit-losses-over-next-two-years David Wilkerson: Global Economic Collapse Begins in Germany https://z3news.com/w/david-wilkerson-global-economic-collapse-begins-germany Pastor Louie McGeorge dream showing Germany crashing on the 2