20-20 Women Lead Podcast

Ming Shu Zhao, introducing A.I technology improve skincare industry



Ming Shu Zhao, the CEO and co-founder of PROVEN Skincare, a company that using A.I technology to analyze your skin and customize your personal skin products. Ming has over a decade of experience in business strategy, investing and business development. She graduated from MBA Harvard Business School and has profound international working experience in the U.S., Austria, China, and India. 先改變自己開始,帶領護膚產業的變革 第8集,我們邀請美國的科技新創公司PROVEN Skincare的CEO兼創辦人Ming Shu Zhao,PROVEN藉由AI技術分析會影響膚況的環境因素、保養品原料等數據,依、膚質訂製專屬個人的護膚產品。Ming 畢業於 Harvard 商業學院,過去十年間他專精於商業策略,投資以及商業發展等領域。她在多個國家如美國,奧地利,中國及印度擁有的工作經驗。 20-20 Women Lead Podcast的Medium裡有本次訪談的中文摘要 想多知道 Women Who Code Taipei 最近有什麼活動? 歡迎追蹤 Women Who Code Taipei Facebook粉絲專頁 製作人/Producers:Jane Shih, Yiying Chen, Tai Tsao 主持人/Host:Anna Liu 同訪成員/Co-host:Olivia Lin, Jane Shih, Yiying Chen 剪接/Editor:Elisa Chang 文字紀錄/Transcript:Refeni Lee, Olivia Lin, Yenting Chang, Anna Liu 視覺設計/Visual Deisgn:Anna Liu 社群行銷/ Marketing:Anna Liu