Take Back Your Health Now! With Dr Dan Margolin

42: The Health Power of Camel Milk — Walid Abdul-Wahab



Walid was visiting his family in his hometown of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, looking for raw milk. He was approached by a friend with a plastic bag of camel milk, he then quickly realized that camel milk was being used medicinally in the Middle East and the US for complex health problems. When Walid moved to California, he appreciated how people valued a healthy lifestyle. He realized this was the perfect place to start a camel milk company. After selling camel milk at mosques and ethnic food festivals, Walid’s business plan won the Marcia Israel Award from USC, so he decided to leave his corporate real estate position and began his camel adventure. While looking for US camel herders, in the Midwest he came across a group known for being polite and down-to-earth, a group who didn’t exist in the Middle East: the wonderful Amish community, who exemplify hard work and cooperation. Watching them work together was and remains awesome to Walid. Walid felt that they deserved an easier way to bring their products to market