Empowerment Radio Show

Meet Annie Hardock, Founder & Chair of the Uxbridge Networking Group & United Networks for Growth, Co-Owner of ABS Abacus Brain



Co-author of the book Awakenings: Stories of Growth, Healing and Magical Transformations. Founder of United Networks for Growth (2020). Connecting Entrepreneurs with Experts, Business Centers, and other Business Networks. As an entrepreneur since 1991, I combined my business knowledge with my technical background in computer systems to create a company that help clients to market their business in the most cost effective ways with proven results. The Uxbridge & Area Networking Group which I founded in 1998 continues to expand our network of connections through monthly meetings, and the Internet "Uxbridge Ontario" LinkedIn Group. In addition to Advertising and Networking business, a new venture began in the summer of 2010 together with my son Michael Hardock. A learning centre for mental arithmetic based on the principles of abacus calculation, and high speed listening training for young children. Abacus Uxbridge Inc. continued to expand by lauching their pre-school program for children ages 4 & 5