Bretts Property Rants

3 Simple Questions To Ask Before You Believe The Pitch



I use this as I am reading any article, listening to any chat or working out where advice fits in my portfolio management. A great filter for the BS which is out there.  Brett Alegre-Wood is an award-winning and best-selling author of The 3+1 Plan and is Founder and Chairman of Gladfish and Ezytrac Group. Download your copy of the book at Gladfish is a leading UK property investment education and portfolio building service with offices and clients around the world. They specialise in London and UK new build and off-plan property investment.  Call the team on +44 (0)207 923 6100 or   For more UK property investment tips and London property investment guide, visit Brett's Blog For more investor and landlord updates check out If you are sick of your agent not responding then give us a call 01522503717 or