Hannah And Matt Know It All

#88: Han and Matt Sweat It Out



CW: Skip to the 6:15 mark of the podcast if you want to avoid conversation about sexual assault. Han and Matt tackle questions from some of their favorite advice sources from the week of September 23rd, 2018, and beyond, including: Climate Advice: "Should I tell my Republican friend that her Florida mansion is doomed by sea-level rise?" Sense & Sensitivity: "Teenage daughter apathetic about going to polls" Slate: "Help! Is My Couchsurfing Sister Using Us to Make a Fortune on Airbnb?" The Ethicist: "Should I Go to a Gender-Reveal Party?" Ask a Manager: "my boss talks to me like I'm a baby" #82: Han and Matt Proceed With Caution Ask the Salty Waitress: "Should I expect the food-delivery person to schlep up my stairs?" SPONSOR: Podigy: The podcast editing service we partner proudly with! Differently Gymtimidated: "My Girlfriend Wants to Work Out Together; I Would Rather Keep Working Out Separately" BONUS: "Opinion Overflow Live! | 02" on our Facebook Group, took place this Saturday, 9/29, at 3 PM EST Co