The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 010: Nina Manolson on How to Get From Body Hate to Body Love



Nina Manolson helps women end their war with food and make peace with their body.  She is a Certified Psychology of Eating Teacher and Holistic Health Coach, with 25 years experience in the Health and Wellness field. She also holds a Masters degree in Counseling Psychology. She is the founder of and the author of Feed Your Kids Well In A World That Doesn’t: An Everyday Guide to Make Healthy Food Happen in your Home and Beyond. and is currently working on her next book: Becoming a Nourished Woman: The Seven-Step Path to Feeling at Home and Joyful in Your Body. Nina’s journey of self discovery began with body hate. Eventually she was able to move from a place of body hate to body love, but it was no small task. Nina’s work is based on nourishment and specifically focuses on 3 factors: discovering what foods nourish your body, establishing a lifestyle that supports you, and reaching deeper levels of mindset and emotion. After working with women at a yoga and health center for many years she