The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 006: Paige Smathers, RDN on How to Create a Food Structure



Today I’m speaking with Paige Smathers. Paige is a registered dietitian in Salt Lake City, Utah in private practice who specializes in helping people heal their relationship with food. Paige recently launched her online Intuitive Eating Course, Educate, Embrace, Empower: a 10-week course where you learn to tap into your inner wisdom and become your own eating expert. You can learn more about Paige and this course at About 15 minutes into this show, Paige paints a beautiful picture to show how she teaches intuitive eating. Here it is, in a nutshell: Imagine two ends of a spectrum. On one end there is food obsession, and the other is food apathy. To a black and white thinker, intuitive eating can sound like it’s telling you to just stop caring about food. But now imagine that spectrum becoming a much smaller range. On one end, instead of food obsession, you have food concern, or awareness. On the other, you have food flexibility. You get to choose where you want to fall. Do you want to