Dress Code Cracker: The Podcast -- Style And Communication

DCC 26: Sam Conover "Lady Drag"



Sam Conover dresses in deliberately modest and traditionally 'feminine' style which borrows from 1940s to early 1960s styles....she calls it "lady drag". She also clarifies that she's going for a modest 'mumsy' look that is more 1950s housewife than pin up girl.  She's a bra fitter, lingerie enthusiast, artist, blogger and conservatist specializing in plastics. We talked about feminism, body positivity (what else is new), plus 'normcore', catcaling, and dressing to make people happy...or is it to be admired and feared? She made some awesome book recommendations (nothing from the past 50 years), and gave the scoop on who makes the best lingerie (she knows).  She's on instagram @mandytori   Please check out dresscodecracker.com for images of Sam and of course all her influences and recommendations (hair tutorials!),  and tweet at me here and here....and like the show on FB!  and listen/rate/review on itunes!  https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/dress-code-cracker-podcast/id839701014?mt=2&ls=1 sarah [at]dres