

This is my tale of what I've been through when my momentum died! Have you ever been on a roll and things were happening according to all your plans and then it came to a screeching halt? Well after 7 years with Send Out Cards I felt like I was standing still. My momentum had definitely died.  Unfortunately, it's not all under our control.  So many factors play into what keeps us going and what comes along to stop us. I chose to detour because I was suffering from the loss of my team and so many other things.  I just did not feel I could start over and so I went in a different direction and received so many gifts. Sometimes, to get a better perspective of where we are, we have to go off our chosen path.  Not quit, but detour until we find our way back home. That's what happened to me.  I truly believe when you listen in if you've been on a career journey of your own you'll be able to relate.  I have received so many unexpected gifts on my jaunt.  I learned about podcasts :-)  I met Cynthia Bazin and Lisa Becht