

I bet this is a loaded question for many of you?  You feel like you can't shut down, too much you have to get done, quotas to meet, events to attend.  So many demands on us, I know. But when I was selling time share one of the key points I would focus on with the couple or family I was touring, rest and relaxation is what rejuvenates us to do better than if we never let up.   Did you know that in Europe it is mandatory that people take 6 weeks vacation.  Why?  Because they KNOW the difference it makes in the productivity of their work force.  People in the US are afraid of negative actions if their boss sees them putting in for vacation.  Afraid it would look like they don't want to work. Statistics prove, however, that employers appreciate their employees that understand the importance of shutting down and relaxing.  Those employers 'get it'. Think about it.  How do you feel when you take a long deep breath or drink that fresh cup of coffee and shut down for just a few minutes.  Doesn't that give you an extr