

Wow, we've been in a whirlwind of celebrations for this entire month! We've had 3 college graduations last weekend, a high school graduation party this weekend, an engagement announcement and our great grand baby's first birthday party!!!! YES, BIG WOW!!! I didn't immediately come up with this particular topic, but when you listen in you'll appreciate the importance of this quote: "You are a good and faithful servant! You've been faithful over a little.  I'll put you in charge of much.  Come, celebrate with me."-- Matthew 25:21  But in my perspective of what this quote is referring to, I find so many little 'wins' leading to the big events.  Yet, many of us put blinders on and so super focus on the big goal that we forget to celebrate all the special moments leading to the BIG celebration. Many steps along the way make the arrival so sweet, and if you cherish those along the way, the success is so much more. I really believe that setting aside the main thing for a while and just doing something each day that