

I am still stuffed from Easter feast, but still I just had to embrace this subject!  It's all about an ABC news broadcast I watched a while back and was soooo impressed with this mission! It's really all connected to a group of high school seniors out of Boca Raton, FL that are truly making a difference! I'd love for you to listen to my show as I share this incredible story and then please share it!  I think we could spread the word and bring in tons of teenagers embracing this very mission! Just imagine helping kids everywhere understand the power of a simple gesture that includes everyone! I believe this is a powerful message that adults might want to take to heart as well.  How often do we just pass someone by that is sitting alone?  Yet we're surrounded by friends.  Maybe we could take a lesson from these kids and turn that behavior around. My image picture for this show is me and my awesome daughter on our trip in Italy.  Just one of the many outside cafes we were able to experience.  We love dining toge