

I agree, losing isn't fun.  But how do you handle it?  Are you gracious, do you acknowledge the winner or no you slink off to pout? Even a year from now, people will be talking about the BIG oops on the Oscars last night.  First the Oscar is awarded to LaLa Land and then it's discovered that Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway of Bonnie and Clyde fame were handed the wrong envelope. It was quite a surprise for everyone concerned, but I was so impressed to see how graciously LaLa Land's crew handled the entire situation.  They honored the winning movie, Moonlight and welcomed them on stage to give them the Oscars they had just thanked everyone. That was a tough thing to do I am sure, but from my point of view, they deserved that Oscar, too.  So many people are miserable and show it immediately, actors or not.  So how do you handle losing? Do you decide to give up?  Do you accept a label of being a loser or do you examine and reflect on the situation?  How many times have you been disappointed by not winning that co