

I originally titled this "Are We In A Kindness Crisis?  Then I saw this beautiful picture and decided that was a 'kinder' portrayal of what I share on my show today. But make no mistake, we are, indeed, in a kindness crisis.  My show was inspired by an article on January 1, 2017 titled: "Let's Make 2017 the Year of Being Kind" by Paula Spencer Scott, featured in the Sunday Parade magazine. I've included some of what it talks about, but it doesn't take reading an article to know that being kind every day is a pretty simple thing to do with monumental benefits.  When you, yourself are kind, wow, feels marvelous, especially being kind to someone that annoys you. And how good does it feel when you're the recipient of an act of kindness.  Someone lets you cut in line at the grocery store because you have 1 item, they have 20.  Maybe not significant in your playbook, but together, all of us doing this kind of thing every day... I truly believe this quote: "Kindness is showing Love. I believe that KINDNESS is the cu