

I am beyond grateful that my dear friend, Jane Anderson introduced me to this awesome movement!  And guess what - there is no running, how's that for an awesome marathon??? This is a very special marathon started by Cheryl Rice.  I can't do justice to all that she shares on the site, so I highly recommend you listen in and then click here and join in. I'm already at the starting line.  One thing that I will share from her site is this great quote:  "Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach" —Clarissa Pinkola Estes How often do you feel helpless, that you can't help someone? How often have you, yourself, felt that you just didn't matter?  I am pretty sure the majority of our population, worldwide, has struggled at least once in their life feeling like they didn't matter. This delightful and positive joining of hands is an absolutely brilliantly awesome way to help us all help one another.  Simply by giving someone