Self Care Sundays

Ep. 217: Audio Engineer Cato Zane



On our last episode of Season 2, we’re joined by a very special guest: our very own audio engineer, Cato Zane! As Cato has had the pleasure of listening to all our episodes, she’s the perfect candidate to help us reflect and sign off on another great season. Cato gives us some insight on her life as a female audio engineer and dealing with sexism in a male-dominated career. She also tells us about her work with Playing for Change and Music for Peace San Diego. For her, choosing gigs that align with her personal/political interests, like working with inner-city kids, is her own form of self-care. Cato also gives her own unique take on navigating cultural appropriation and the history of “whiteness.” She recounts her journey on finding out she has native lineage and the confusion that arises for many white-passing people. For her native relatives, assuming white culture serves as a way to evade oppression You can check out Cato on her website and on Twitter. She’s also got a Youtube channel where she gives her