Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

Episode 435-The Drought Of Our Lifetime, Food Shortages, Rice Pudding



On today’s show, I discuss the western drought situation and bring some up-close and personal experience to this as I live in one of the hardest-hit areas in the west, Utah. NOTE:  The powers that be will use this drought to pound the table on carbon emissions and “climate change“ a natural cycle, as a means to an end. That end is eliminating fossil fuels, promoting electric cars, and stopping animal agriculture and traditional family farming. So, while we have a drought, be mindful it fits their climate change narrative so they will make lots of news about it. I want you to be informed! We are experiencing a serious drought out here in the west, the last two winters had very low snowpack in most areas so there was little to no spring runoff or melt. In the west, we rely on snowpack to fill our reservoirs, not rainfall. In my town we average about 9 inches of rainfall per year, so far in 2021, we’re under 3 inches according to most estimates. Basically, it never rains yet we irrigate golf courses, yards, park