Moore Love Connection

MLCXN Real Talk Session with William & Donna Porter



In this episode, Jenard and Destiny sit down with William and Donna Porter to being impatient in relationships, and life!  William and Donna Porter are the Lead Pastors at Household of Faith Ministries, and it is their goal to teach the Word and love the people! They provide some practical applications on how to recognize imposters in your life, and how to properly avoid being impatient. Be sure to check out Household of Faith Ministries on social media, and subscribe to the Infusion Worship Podcast! Links below. Household of Faith Ministries Links Connect on Facebook  Connect on YouTube HOFMNC Podcast Sponsor’s Links Skillshare Skillshare is offering Moore Love Connection Podcast listeners 2 free premium months of unlimited Skillshare classes! To retrieve your 2 free months, join here Podcast Starters Coaching Session Moore Love Nation book your 1-hour podcast coaching session here Hydrating Humanity One Tribe is a community of people giving monthly