Intensive Care Network Podcasts

33. Anthony Delaney on EGDT, ARISE and Surviving Sepsis for ITunes



Anthony Delaney (@thearisestudy) is a double medalled Emergency Physician and Intensivist who’s achievements include several high impact publications in major journals as well as keeping his chooks alive and away from his two little kids. He’s an intimidating college examiner that has confused many by looking like a bit like Robin Pecknold of Fleet foxes fame.  He is also THE Big Man (along with Sandy Peake and Rinaldo Bellomo and several other incredible reseachers) behind the ARISE trial, which is a multi-centre, randomised controlled trial of early goal-directed therapy in patients presenting to the Emergency Department with severe sepsis in Australasia. It involves 47 sites (including Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Finland and possibly Ireland) and has enrolled 1095 pts. The trial commenced enrolment in October 2008. and is well on its way to completion. The sound snippets are from Caspar Babypants which can be bought here. See for the article.