
RECORD 6 Banquet Tonight



My name is Jim Walker. This is the sixth in a story series that I'm recording about my life (so far) as a musician. This one is a little different: These are several stories about growing up a product of the 70's. Good or bad, that's the decade that made me who I am. All my changes are there. These stories are grouped together from different time periods. I finally got around to writing them down about ten years ago. Being that I wrote them awhile back a few of the references are um, challenged, but I figured that was okay; better that than going through all the material and try to change the language to be 'timely'. That seemed a bit phony to me. Hang on we go....banquet tonight. 1. All In The Family 2. Irresponsible Boy 3. Oh Yes 4. Regarding Henry 5. A Real Happy Guy — Music featured on this show: THE BLUE LIGHT (Instrumental) From the JVA album - BACKGROUND APPLICATIONS VOL. ll Written and performed by Jim Walker/JVA THANKSGIVING (Instrume